To Presenters

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To speakers of oral presentations

Please wait at the next presenter seat when the former speaker is presenting. The next speaker seat is located at the left front of the main hall.

Presentation time

  • Young Investigator: Talk 9 min, discussion 3 min (including speaker exchange).
  • General: Talk 15 min, discussion 5 min (including speaker exchange).

The committee informs the time course of your presentation by using a bell as follows.

  • Young Investigator: 1st ring (8 min), 2nd ring (9 min), 3rd ring (12 min).
  • General: 1st ring (13 min), 2nd ring (15 min), 3rd ring (20 min).

Please be sure to finish your talk in time.

Presentation procedure

The presenters can only use PCs provided by the organizing committee.

Data submission

Please bring your presentation file to the data registration desk (next to the registration desk) 1 hour before the starting time of your session. The committee can only receive the data using USB memory disk scanned by an antivirus software. The file should be named as [presentation number_name]. The committee will certainly delete your submitted file after this symposium.

File for presentation

All presenters must prepare the data as ppt or pptx file (created by Microsoft PowerPoint). The PCs equipped for the oral presentation are;

  • Windows PC: Windows 10; Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
  • Apple macOS: Microsoft PowerPoint Mac 2016

To poster presenters

The size of the poster board is 180 cm (H) and 90 cm (W).


Please place your poster on the board by 13:00 on the first day (Nov. 20) and remove your poster by 13:15 on the third day (Nov. 22).

Places for presentation

Poster presentations are held at Bldg. C1, Conference Hall (P-1 ~ P-114) and Bldg. C5, U Hall Shirasagi, 2F (P-115 ~ P-161). The poster number is indicated on the board. Please check your number, pin, and ribbon at your site. Pins are also available at the desk in the presentation hall. Please use the ribbon as a sign of presenter.

Presentation time

  • Odd number: Nov, 20 (Mon) 16:30 – 18:00
  • Even number: Nov. 21 (Tue) 13:40 – 15:10

Poster review for the award

When the reviewers for the poster award come to your poster, please explain your study within 3 min and then start a discussion.