To Presenters

To speakers of oral presentations

  • Oral Presentation (20 min: Talk 15 min, Discussion 5 min, changing time included)
  • Young Investigator’s Oral Presentation (11 min: Talk 8 min, Discussion 3 min, changing time included) Note: The talk time of Young Investigator’s Oral Presentation was changed!
  • All presentations will be carried out on “Zoom”. Please make sure your network connection and workability of your microphone and speaker.
  • Please install the latest version of Zoom application as much as possible.
  • Please make sure the way to present your materials on Zoom in advance.
  • Young Presentation Award will be selected from Young Investigator’s Oral Presentations.

Room entry

  • After entry from your “My page” on the online meeting website, please click the URL of Zoom meeting.
  • Please enter the room 10 minutes prior to your presentation.
  • Please enter the Zoom system using your full name and affiliation. For example, “Taro Peptide (Peptide Univ.)”.

After room entry

  • Please turn off your microphone and video while other presentations (not yours) are going.
  • In your turn, please switch on your microphone and video as soon as possible and then start sharing your materials with audiences. After chairs call you, please start your presentation.
  • The display of timekeeper shows you your remaining time.
    Young Investigator’s Oral Presentations: (8 min. end of presentation); (11 min. end of questions and answers)
    Note: The talk time of Young Investigator’s Oral Presentation was changed!
    Oral presentations: (15 min. end of presentation); (20 min. end of questions and answers)
  • The chat field shows your elapsed time.

After presentation

  • After your presentation, please stop your screen sharing as soon as possible and turn off your microphone and camera.


  • Please take care of copyright of others when you show your presentation.
  • In this symposium, any recordings and downloads of presentation materials are strictly prohibited. However, we cannot exclude the recordings and downloads completely. Therefore, we ask you to prepare your presentation materials after careful consideration.

To Poster Presenters

  • All presentations for 60 min will be carried out on “Zoom”. Please make sure your network connections and workability of your microphone, speaker and camera.
  • A pdf file of your poster slide can be browsed by participants at any time during the symposium on the online meeting website of this symposium.
  • Questions and answers can be posted at any time during the symposium using “Questions to Speakers”. These questions and answers can only be viewed by participants.
  • Please prepare a power point file for your presentation (4:3 aspect ratio, any page, no audio), convert the power point file to one pdf file, and submit the pdf file by October 9, JST. We will inform you of how to submit the pdf file by e-mail.
  • Poster Award will be selected from the poster presentation by presenters of 35 years old and younger.

Room entry

  • After entry from your “My page” on the online meeting website, please click the URL of Zoom meeting for your poster presentation.
  • Please enter the room 10 minutes prior to your presentation.
  • After room entry, please change the Zoom display name to【Presenter】your full name and affiliation. For example, “【Presenter】Taro Peptide (Peptide Univ.)”.

After room entry

  • When your presentation starts, please switch on your microphone and video as soon as possible and then start sharing your materials. Please start after audiences attend at your presentation.
  • You have 60 minutes presentation time and please take care of your remaining time. During your presentation, please keep your microphone and video available.
    Poster presentations
    P-001~P-042: October 20 (Wed.) 18:15–19:15 JST
    P-043~P-084: October 21 (Thu.) 17:20–18:20 JST
    P-085~P-125: October 22 (Fri.) 11:20–12:20 JST

After presentation

  • After your presentation, please stop your screen sharing as soon as possible and turn off your microphone and video.

“Questions to Speakers”

  • Please answer the questions on the poster presenter’s page. Please click “Question” on the poster presentation’s page to post your answers. These questions and answers can only be viewed by participants.
  • Presenters will receive an e-mail when a question has been posted. The e-mail address is the one when you registered your abstract submission.
  • “Questions to Speakers” will be opened from October 20 (Wed.) to October 22 (Fri.) JST.


  • Please take care of copyright of others when you show your presentation.
  • In this symposium, any recordings and downloads of presentation materials are strictly prohibited. However, we cannot exclude the recordings and snapshots completely. Therefore, we ask you to prepare your presentation materials after careful consideration.